Requirements & Reminders
Our LAX Events require two documents before participation is permitted.
• Team Roster
• Individual Player Waivers
Team Roster:
Below is a blank roster form needing to be filled out by the coach or manager listing the players that will be used in the tournament weekend. Please fill it out, save it, and send it to TOURNAMENTS@LOUFUSZATHLETIC.COM
Blank Roster Form:
Only players listed on this document will be allowed to participate.
*If you have your own roster document already prepared, we can accept that provided it includes at a minimum: each player's full name, DOB, and Jersey number.*
Individual Player Waiver:
This link directs to a Google Waiver Form that needs to be sent by the coach/manager to all members of your team. It needs to be filled out accordingly by the individual player's parents/guardians. No player from the roster form will be allowed to participate without having submitted this waiver.
Player Waiver Link: