COVID-19 Club Announcement

April 26, 2020
Lou Fusz Athletic Families -
First and foremost, we at LFA hope you all are healthy and well. Thank you for the time and patience as we work through this unprecedented time in our community.
We have approached this layoff to sports the same as many of you; with an eagerness to return, but an uncertainty of how and when. Making sure our young athletes, staff, and families are safe has been our number 1 priority. As you can imagine with the different leagues, governing bodies, and general politics involved, this has been challenging to navigate. As some of these leagues and events make decisions that directly impact our club, we have continued the comprehensive process of finishing our spring, navigating our summer, and planning our fall. Along with decisions that have recently been made, we expect some guidance this upcoming couple of weeks for next steps in regards to the health and safety of our club. We will be issuing financial credits asap as these plans come in to clearer view.
We have been extremely excited about the progress all of you have made within the club, which has made this stoppage even more difficult. Seeing the atmosphere day in and day out at our facilities, and reuniting with the players on the field, is what has our staff full of excitement for the day we return. This past year our teams won National Championships (Plural!), National League, State Cups, President's Cup, SLYSA, and major tournaments; all while witnessing this club continue to build to the future. We will get through this, and be stronger as we emerge.
Players - please continue to put attention to the game in daily with our @ Home program plan, and tune in all this week to our live sessions running every day @ 3pm.
Please keep watch for additional communication that will affect all of our club members regarding this Spring and moving forward.
- Dan
April 14, 2020
Something as simple as an email to our club is helping our staff feel connected to a group we truly miss. Our coaches are continually connecting via Zoom / Instagram / Facebook and phone calls. It isn't quite the same, but we are enjoying seeing each and every one of you as often as we can.
We appreciate the patience as we work through our internal plans and course of action for the next few months. The balance of the Spring and this Summer will be abnormal, but our first priority is to return our players to the field, in a safe environment. We will of course be waiting for guidance from local authorities on how that return looks, and when they deem it appropriate to begin that process. Some of the items that we hope to have clarity on within the next few weeks are below.
* We have upcoming meetings with MYSA & SLYSA regarding spring and summer plans for teams registered for this year, and timing of registration for next year.
* Our Spring Invitational has been moved to the July 10th wknd.
* We are working on plans for our teams that would extend our spring in to the summer, and return them to the field in a responsible way to get back on the field and prepare their bodies and minds to a full return for the Fall
* Credits / Refunds are being worked through with each team budget - as we have a number of events and timelines that are still uncertain. We are hoping to have some answers by the beginning of May to be able to give out a more detailed plan.
* Our LFA programming is being adjusted to accommodate a potential spring that would begin mid-May with potential start dates still a moving target.
* Our Summer programs (camps & elite) are on track and we will adjust with any safety guidelines appropriate - signups are open
Be safe and smart, and we'll be back soon, with a championship to play for. Please reach out with any questions to respective Admin and Directors, and they will be back in touch as soon as possible.
- Dan
March 24, 2020
Good Afternoon LFA -
I hope everyone is doing as well as possible during this difficult stretch. As this is a significant challenge for all of us, in a few years our kids will look back on this time and remember scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, family meals at the dinner table and arts & crafts. Stay connected and p lease remember, this too shall pass!
As we have been given a little more guidance from local authorities, the shelter at home directive has been enacted until April 22nd. Lou Fusz Athletic will remain closed for all non-essential operations until that time. Both facilities, the Complex at Creve Couer MIll Rd & the Training Center at 1 Athletic Drive, will remain closed for recreational activities through that date.
* All players have been given a Training Plan through April 5th, available on the main page of our website as well. We will continue our Live Streams every Tuesday, Thursday, and Fr iday @ 3 pm on Lou Fusz Soccer Instagram. Please feel free to share with brothers, sisters, friends that are looking for daily activities during this down time.
* Information regarding SLYSA, State Cup, NPL, MWC, and Tournaments will be made available to you all as soon as we get direction from these groups. As of now, we are still in a holding pattern regarding condensing, extension, completion, and dates for all of these events.
* We still plan on hosting all of our Spring programming (Spring Outdoor, STAR, Little Lou's) as we are able; and have continued working on new start dates and operational logistics.
* This uncertainty regarding timelines directly affects credits, refunds, and budgeting for Spring, Summer & Fall of 2020. We understand that this directly affects all of our Club. As soon as there is clarity regarding these things, we will adjust and update how we will proceed for our members. Our Club is our Priority.
Don't hesitate to reach out. Call your coach if you haven't heard from them yet! Send us photos and videos of your good ideas to pass the time while you're home! We have such a great community and want to stay as connected and helpful as possible!
See you all soon -
March 12, 2020
LFA Families -
Lou Fusz Athletic will temporarily suspend all sports programming, effective immediately, and will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19. With the health of our club and the greater St. Louis community in mind, we hope this preventative measure allows us to get back on the field sooner rather than later.
With the recent actions taken by multiple professional sports organizations and recommendations from the public health authorities in the field, we felt to exercise caution was in the best interest of our players, families, and fans.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time. The safety and security of our families will always be highest on our priority list!
We will be evaluating local and national conditions continually to determine when best to resume training and programming. Your coaches and Directors will be reaching out with plans during the time away from the club, and we will send out another club communication the week of March 23rd.
Dan Gargan
EVP & Managing Director